Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Thin Mints (Eat This...Not That!)

Thin Mint Cookies
Hello everyone!

Girl Scout Cookies are still floating around town...and I want some! :-)
Thin Mints are my absolute favorites.  I used to buy at least 4 boxes of Thin Mints every year and I didn't have to freeze any of them for later because they never lasted that long.  LOL!  So this year, I decided not to purchase any GS Cookies.  As long as I don't bring certain foods into my house, I'm usually good about not eating those food items.

Image my surprise when I walked downstairs the other day and sitting on the table was a box of my all time favorite GS Cookies.  Oh no!!! How am I gonna resist the temptation to eat 1 (or some) of these cookies?!?   Well, I walked around looking at this box of tastiness for about a week, wondering and hoping that my nephew would just eat the whole box already. :)

Thin Mint Green Smoothie
Then it hit me...
Why don't you just make a Thin Mint Green Smoothie? 
Duh! (do people still say that?)
So that's what I did.  YUM!  My craving was O-V-E-R!!!

Thin Mint Green Smoothie Recipe:
2 Frozen Bananas
2 Handfuls Spinach
1 TBS Cacao Powder
1TBS Cacao Nibs
1 TSP Peppermint Oil
Agave (sweeten to your taste; start with 2 tablespoons)
2 Cups Cold Water 
Preparation: Blend all ingredients until smooth.  Pour in a glass & enjoy!

Note: adjust ingredients to suit your taste.

Question of the day:
What is/was your favorite flavor of Girl Scout Cookies?

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