Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Good-4-U Smoothie

Strawberry-Nana-Flax Green Smoothie
Since the beginning of the year (January 3rd), I've been really focusing on what types of foods I nourish my body with.

I started the Master Cleanse on January 3rd and completed 10 days.  I then juiced using fresh fruits & veggies for another 10 days.   Since then, I've not eaten any poultry.  I've basically been eating lots of fresh fruits & veggies (both raw & cooked), nuts, seeds, grains and salmon.  I stopped eating beef and pork about a year ago.

I'm very surprised that I'm doing so well in choosing the foods I eat.  I don't feel deprived at all.  It's almost like my body and taste buds just switched over to a different level.  I really don't know how to explain it, but I'm very glad of the food choices I've been making lately.  If it wasn't for the salmon, I could easily switch over to being a vegan because I've pretty much cut out all dairy products and eggs, too.  I used to love eggs, but I don't crave them any more for some reason.  I don't know why, but I'll roll with that.

So, lately I've been on this Green Smoothie kick.  I've been wanting to increase my intake of Flax seed so I started adding it to my Green Smoothies.  I love it! It's nutritious and very filling.  I drink a Green Smoothie almost daily for breakfast.

For the recipe, please visit my other blog, Eat Mostly Raw (<---- click on the link <----).  I encourage you to give this smoothie a try. It is a great meal replacement for breakfast and it will keep you full until around lunch time.  BTW, flax seed is very nutritious. It helps to fight cancer and diabetes as well as helps to reduce menopausal symptons.  In addition to that, flax seed also aids in weight loss.

What ingredients do you like to put in your smoothies?

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