Thursday, June 23, 2011

Almond Milk & Green Smoothies

Hi There! I've been missing in action for a while, but I'm back now.
I'm working on a really cool header for the blog. I should have it up within the next week or so.
I'm still trying to find my niche for the blog. I think I've narrowed it down now to
Fashion, Fitness, Food & Fun. Of course I will still keep the Business features in there so we can all network and support each other.

So today's post is about Almond Milk and Green Smoothies, just as the title says.
During my quest to get healthier, I discovered Almond Milk.  I'm one of those people that cannot drink regular cow's milk without wreaking havoc in my tummy, so I decided that all of the pain and discomfort is just not worth it. I've tried a couple of different brands of Almond Milk, but I like the Blue Diamond Almond Breeze brand the best. To me, the original flavor reminds me more of regular cow's milk. The texture and consistency is very similar. I've tried the Silk brand, but it is just way too thick for me. I can pour the Almond Breeze over a bowl of cereal and I honestly can't taste a difference. I love this brand of Almond Milk! As you can see, it come in both sweetened and unsweetened with original, vanilla and chocolate flavors. If you just want an afternoon treat, you can pour yourself a cold glass of the sweetened vanilla flavor and enjoy it all by itself. It is just that good! Also, if you are one to count calories, the calorie counts aren't that bad either. They are displayed right on the box so you never have to worry. The products displayed can be found in the healthy section of your local grocery store or you can also find jugs/cartons in the refrigerated section where regular milk is sold.
On to the Green Smoothies... I love these things! I discovered Green Smoothies(GS) during my "Get Healthy" quest too. This discovery was the best thing to happen to me...ever.  :)
If you are not familiar with GS, let me tell you a little about them. GS are very delicious & healthy drinks that are made with fruits, greens, milk and/or water. I like to make mine with a base of bananas, apples, spinach, almond milk and water. Then I usually add a nut butter (either almond or cashew butter) and another fruit such as a mango, strawberries, peach or whatever type of fruit I have on hand. I also add a small piece of fresh ginger or a splash of lemon or lime juice from time to time to give me some variety. Besides spinach, you can also use kale, romaine lettuce and any other green leafy vegetable that you like. It is good to rotate the green leafy vegetable, but I have to admit, I do not.
There is no set rule when making GS. Just use whatever fruits and greens you have on hand. Blend them up and enjoy.  I usually make a big carafe full (64oz) every morning and it last me all day.  Drinking GS helps to control my cravings for other unhealthy foods or drinks, provides me with plenty of fruits & vegetables servings, increases my energy and helps me to stay on track and maintain my weight loss. Nothing but goodness comes from drinking these babies!
(PS) If you decide to make GS and you carry them around with you (to run errands, to work or wherever), don't be surprised if you can't strange/funny stares and you may even get asked, "What's  that green gook you're drinking?".  Is gook even a word? LOL! I guess so.

Let me know if you decide to make yourself a glass of Green Goodness. If you have any questions about how to make Green Smoothies or any other questions, just leave a comment below and I'll be sure to answer immediately.

Thanks for reading. Look for more "Healthy Alternative" products that I've began to eat/drink since I've started my quest for a healthier lifestyle in future post. I'll also be sharing some simple, yet healthy recipes that helps me maintain my weight loss and helps me to feel better overall.

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