Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Future Endeavors

Hi There!
It's been a good while since I last posted (almost 2 months!).  So what have I been up to?  I've been in deep thought about my future endeavors.  Over the past few years, I've come to realize that life is not about money and material things. It's about Love & Happiness.  It is about Peace.  It's about Sharing.  With that said, I've been meditating on what truly makes me happy and what direction I should be going in, both in my personal and business life.

I've come to the conclusion that I should re-launch my company, Delicious Blooms.  Delicious Blooms provides edible fruit arrangements, candy & cookie bouquets, chocolate dipped fruit and a lot of other gifts for business & personal use.  I just love taking whole fresh fruit and making it bloom into an edible piece of art.  I do the same with individual wrapped candies and cookies, too.  Nothing makes me more happier than seeing the smile on a recipient's face when I personally make a delivery.  It reminds me that my work was not done in vain...that if only for a few seconds or minutes, my work bought joy into someone's life.  I just love it!

Another thing that has been on my mind is Raw Foods (fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds).  Last year I began a Healthy Lifestyle Journey and it changed my life.  I did the Master Cleanse for 10 days.  I enrolled in an online Raw Food course and I also took a Raw Food Chef course at a local raw food restaurant for a week.  I learned so much in the hands-on course.  It was well worth the money I paid for it.  I've learned so much about whole foods and the health & nutrition benefits of eating Raw Foods.  I've decided to make Raw Foods a part of my business.  I want to teach people how to take control of their health simply by eating more nutritious foods.  I want to share the benefits of eating Raw Foods and how it can change your mind, body & spirit.  I want to share what Raw Foods has done for me & my body.

Banana Soft Serve N'ice Cream
As part of my sharing, I've written a guide booklet on how to incorporate more raw foods into your diet.  It a start-up guide that was written to help you save money and time when embarking upon a Healthy Lifestyle Journey.  The booklet addresses both raw and cooked foods.  Yes, you can still eat cooked foods while adding more raw foods into your diet. :)  There is no need to deprive yourself to get the health benefits of eating more raw foods.  It is all about choices.  I share with you two(2) quick & easy changes you can make right now that will help you be healthier and feel better.  There are even a few simple recipes included in the booklet.  I'm so excited about this booklet!  I'm currently putting the finishing touches on it and it should be ready for release within the next few weeks.

So that is basically what I've been focusing on over the past two months.  I'm just trying to get my plans ready and in order so I can have an awesome 2012.  It's time for all of us to make the necessary changes in our lives to be a more productive and happier...to make a positive change & impact in someone else's life.  If you are already doing those things, then kudos to you.  You are much admired and appreciated.  If you are not, however, put on your thinking caps and make something happen!  Do something you love and share it with others. 

Oh, I almost forgot...I love to blog!  So I will be back to posting on a more regular basis as soon as I'm done with my booklet and setting up the re-launch of my business.  In the meantime, I'll be sure to stop by and post about what's happening in my world from time to time.

Thank you so much for reading my blog.  It really means a lot to me...It really does.  I appreciate you so much!  Peace & Blessings! -rena