Friday, August 26, 2011

"To Do" List

Now that we are in the last days of Summer and headed into Fall, it is a good time for change. Let's all create a "To Do" list. Put things on your list that will help you to become a better you.

During the summer, I slacked off on doing my exercises and I allowed myself to eat a few more things that I wouldn't normally eat, like more sweets and eating out more frequently. So now that the temperature outside is dropping, I can get back outside and exercise. Walking outside is such a calming thing for me. I love just being one with nature and breathing in the fresh air. I have a treadmill, but it's just not the same.

I'm also making a commitment to get back to eating healthier. I was mindful of my eating habits all summer, but I did eat out a lot more than I had been. Traveling and spending time with family & friends will cause you to eat out more. Every one just seems to want to eat out all the time and because it is so hot in the summer, no one wants to cook (unless its a bar-b-que).  I'm proud to say that I've stayed away from eating pork and beef at the bar-b-ques this summer. Yay! No ribs for me and I didn't miss it at all.  Besides, I feel so much better when I prepare my own meals, because I know exactly what was put into them. When I cook/prepare, I eat a lot more veggies and I control the amount of sugar (if I even use sugar) and salt (I no longer use table salt, I use sea salt) that I put into my food.

I'm currently working on my "To Do" list for the Fall. Here is my list so far.
To Do List:
1. Exercise more
2. Cook most meals at home
3. Increase vegetable and fruit intake
4. Create a shopping budget
5. Get more sleep (i.e. go to bed earlier!)
6. Work on making the blog better
7. Go on a fast (juice or smoothie or master cleanse (I haven't decided yet. I may do a combo.))

I'm sure I have a few more things to add/change on there.  I'll be sure to share my completed list with you all when I'm done.  I'm gonna try to limit it to only 10 items so that it is manageable and I can complete everything listed.

What are some of the things you will be putting on your "To Do" List?

Thursday, August 25, 2011

What's the most important meal of the day?


Remember the saying, "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day."?
Well, I agree with that 100%.  I find that on days that I skip breakfast, I don't get nearly as many things done as on the days that I eat a good breakfast. I tend to get a slow start and be a bit sluggish throughout the day if I don't eat anything for breakfast. So with the season about to change (yeah for Fall!) I'd like to encourage each of you to make sure you eat a good breakfast every day. Put something on your stomach even if it is only a piece of fresh fruit. Breakfast does a body good!

In the above picture, I created an omelette using eggs, spinach, peppers, onions and cheese. Yum! Sometimes I will exclude the cheese. For the peppers, I use whatever I have on hand (red, yellow, green and orange).  I also sometimes add freshly grilled salmon or crab meat to my omelettes. So good!!!!
You can add whatever veggies and meats you have on hand to make it your own specialty and to fit your taste buds. My homemade omelettes taste so much better than almost any restaurant omelette I've ever paid for. :)

Omelette Recipe
Eggs - 2 or 3 depending on your appetite
Almond milk - a splash (I use the Almond Breeze brand)
Onion - a handful of chopped small pieces
Peppers - 2 or 3 strips cut into small pieces
Cheese - desired amount
Organic baby spinach - a handful
Salt & Pepper to taste
Olive Oil
Optional items - cheese, meats (bacon, chicken, salmon, crab meat), other veggies
To prepare:

1-In a small bowl, combine eggs, salt & pepper (to taste) and a splash of almond milk (makes the omelette fluffier). Beat the egg mixture.
2-In a small fry pan (I think mine is 8"), add a small amount of olive oil and sautee your veggies until the onions begin to look a little opaque in color.  Add your cooked meat and sautee a few minutes more.
3-Pour the egg mixture over the veggies and let cook. At this stage, I like to place a lid over my pan.
4-Once the eggs cook a little, add the cheese and spinach. Place the lid  back over the pan and let it cook some more.
5-Once it looks as though the eggs have cooked on the bottom side, fold the eggs & veggies in half. Let cook about 2 more minutes then flip it over using a spatula so the other side can cook for another 2 or so minutes.

I sometimes add a tablespoon or two of salsa (I like the Tostitos brand) on the side for even more variety. Try the salsa, you'll love it!

Omelettes and Green Smoothies are two of my favorite breakfast foods.
What are your favorite breakfast foods (cereal, grits, smoothies, eggs, fruit, oatmeal, etc.)?